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The Main Risk To Your Data Comes From Your Employees – How To Overcome The Problem Of Human Error!

In today's data-driven world, protecting that data is crucial. Think about risks to it and your first thoughts may be the sinister menace of cybercrime gangs, natural disasters like floods and fires, or critical hardware failure. In fact, for most businesses there's a bigger issue, and it's one that any company can suffer at any time.

Sometimes data is lost purely through employee mis-communication, or someone missing a step in a process due to be tight deadlines or a pressurised environment. If any of your employees accidentally delete vital data, or let it fall into the wrong hands, it could have devastating effects for your operations, your reputation and your bottom line.

Safeguard Your Data With a Managed Cloud Backup Service

A proven and cost-effective way of helping your business avoiding data accidents is to use a managed cloud backup service. Partners like Fuse Collaboration will work with your in-house team to provide and improve ways to minimise the risk of deletion or overwrites. With over 20 of experience and wide-ranging expertise, they have a deep understanding of cloud solutions and how to apply them in a way that keeps your business running smoothly and minimises the risk of costly errors.

Keeping Skills Up To Date

IT systems and software don't stand still, and the skills and procedures that were optimal for your company's systems half a decade ago, or even last year, are increasingly unlikely to stay that way as time goes on. Customers and suppliers will certainly expect you to provide a smooth, frictionless experience and that's not going to happen if your workforce is uncertain how to use their everyday tools. Something as simple as changed menu design on a business software application could lead to loss of data – or at the very least a reduction in productivity.

Let Us Help

Our 24/7 managed cloud backup services help safeguard your business-critical data in real time, protecting your business from honest mistakes and keeping it safe from malicious attack. To discuss your requirements, please have a chat with one of our small business IT support specialists.

Image Source: Unsplash


About the author


Fuse is a Microsoft Partner, based in Northampton. We help organisations of all sizes to maximise IT efficiencies through the use of Microsoft cloud computing solutions.

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