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New Mobile Site Launched

We recently completed work on the latest version of a Mobile friendly website ​for Northamptonshire County Council. We had already delivered version 1 of the mobile site last year which promoted core aspects of the main site. The new site aims to make a much larger proportion of the main site available to visitors on mobile devices.NCC-Mobile-Homepage.png

To see the site you can either visit the main site on a mobile device or navigate directly to

The site runs on a combination of jQuery Mobile and custom built software that delivers the following functionality:

  • Replication of the whole main website by using the same HTML but restyling for the smaller screen
  • Full site search with paged results
  • A to Z functionality
  • Location based services
  • Mobile Friendly Image Slideshows
  • Image rescaling
  • Intelligent redirect which can be turned on and off at the page or section level
  • Ability to redirect to a custom mobile application at the page or section level
  • Ability to display usability messages on the mobile site for when the user experience is better on the full site

Having now built this software we are now in a position where we can apply it to other websites and, with a little configuration, deliver fully functional mobile websites for more and more of our clients.

If you're interested in making your website far more mobile-friendly then give us a call and we can discuss your requirements.

About the author


Fuse is a Microsoft Partner, based in Northampton. We help organisations of all sizes to maximise IT efficiencies through the use of Microsoft cloud computing solutions.

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