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Our Carbon Reduction Plan


At Fuse CS Ltd (Fuse CS), we’re not just focused on delivering cutting-edge IT solutions—we’re also deeply committed to sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint. Registered in England & Wales and based in Northampton, our "business first, cloud first" approach extends to our environmental responsibilities, as we strive to incorporate sustainable practices into every aspect of our operations.

As a Microsoft Gold Partner with nearly 20 years of expertise, Fuse CS is dedicated to helping organisations leverage Microsoft cloud computing solutions to boost IT efficiencies while minimising environmental impact. Our successful digital transformation projects, such as our work with the Age UK Northamptonshire using the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, demonstrate our commitment to reducing emissions by promoting cloud-based solutions that are inherently more energy-efficient than traditional IT infrastructures.

Our Carbon Reduction Plan reflects our commitment to sustainability. We focus on optimising our own operations and those of our clients, offering managed IT services and custom development solutions that prioritise energy efficiency and reduce unnecessary resource use. By transitioning to cloud-based solutions, enhancing digital workflows, and empowering staff with the knowledge to utilise IT resources efficiently, Fuse CS aims to significantly cut carbon emissions across the board.

We are dedicated to supporting our clients in their own sustainability journeys, ensuring that every project we undertake contributes to a greener future. Our goal is not only to drive business success but also to make a meaningful impact on the environment, ensuring that our technology solutions are as sustainable as they are effective.

Commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2040

At Fuse CS Ltd, we are fully committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2040. Our approach combines innovative IT solutions with a deep responsibility towards sustainability. By leveraging energy-efficient cloud computing platforms like Microsoft Azure, optimising our operations, and guiding our clients toward greener practices, we are dedicated to reducing our carbon footprint. We believe in integrating sustainability into every aspect of our business, ensuring that our growth and success contribute to a healthier planet. Fuse CS is committed to driving positive environmental change, and achieving Net Zero by 2040 is a key part of that mission.

Baseline Emissions Footprint

1st August 2023 31st July 2024

For the period of 1st August 2023 to 31st July 2024, Fuse CS Ltd has established a baseline emissions footprint using industry averages due to the current lack of actual data. This approach enables us to estimate our environmental impact while we work towards collecting more accurate and specific data in future iterations.

As we refine our data collection processes, we are committed to streamlining and improving the accuracy of our emissions reporting. Future Carbon Reduction Plans will incorporate more precise measurements, reflecting our ongoing efforts to better understand and minimise our carbon footprint.

Scopes and categories

Metric tons CO2e

Scope 1: Direct emissions from owned/controlled operations

Gaseous Fuels – Natural Gas kWh(Gross CV)


Scope 2: Indirect emissions from the use of purchased electricity, steam, heating, and cooling


Scope 3: emissions

Category 1: Purchased goods and services


Category 2: Capital goods


Category 3: Fuel- and energy-related activities (not included in scope 1 or scope 2)


Category 4: Upstream transportation and distribution


Category 5: Waste generated in operations


Category 6: Business travel - Land


Category 7: Employee commuting


Category 8: Upstream leased assets




Category 9: Downstream transportation and distribution




Emissions Distribution

Explanation for Zero Emissions Reporting

Scope 3: Indirect emissions from value chain activities – 0.00 tCO2e

  • Category 1: Purchased goods and services – 0.00 tCO2e
    Zero emissions are reported for this category due to the absence of detailed data. We aim to capture and report emissions from purchased goods and services in future iterations.
  • Category 2: Capital goods – 0.00 tCO2e
    Our business processes currently involve minimal capital goods procurement, resulting in negligible emissions for this category.
  • Category 3: Fuel- and energy-related activities (not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2) – 0.00 tCO2e
    Emissions in this category are reported as zero due to insufficient data. Future improvements in data collection will allow for more accurate reporting.
  • Category 4: Upstream transportation and distribution – 0.00 tCO2e
    Our business model does not rely on upstream transportation and distribution, leading to zero emissions in this category.
  • Category 5: Waste generated in operations
    Our waste collection partner, Veolia UK, handles all waste collection and recycling for us. They consistently provide us with certification verifying the recycling of all collected waste.

Website: Veolia UK | Home.

  • Category 7: Employee commuting
    Zero emissions are reported due to a lack of comprehensive data on employee commuting. Future reporting will aim to include this category.
  • Category 8: Upstream leased assets – 0.00 tCO2e
    Our operations do not involve upstream leased assets, resulting in zero emissions for this category.
  • Category 9: Downstream transportation and distribution – 0.00 tCO2e
    As our services do not include downstream transportation and distribution, no emissions are reported in this category.

Current Emissions Reporting

1st August 2023 31st July 2024

Current emissions reporting mirrors our baseline emissions reporting, as this is our first Carbon Reduction Plan. We have used estimates due to limited data and business processes, with a commitment to refining accuracy in future iterations. This approach ensures consistency while we develop more detailed reporting mechanisms.

Emissions reduction targets

Fuse CS Limited is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2040. To meet this ambitious goal, we have set specific emissions reduction targets based on our baseline emissions footprint for the period of 1st August 2023 to 31st July 2024, which totals 3.3469 metric tons of CO2e.

Short-Term Targets (2024-2028):

  • Scope 1 (Direct Emissions): We aim to reduce direct emissions from natural gas usage by 20% by 2028 through energy efficiency improvements and transitioning to low-carbon alternatives where feasible.
  • Scope 2 (Indirect Emissions): We plan to reduce our purchased electricity emissions by 30% by 2028 by increasing our use of renewable energy sources and enhancing energy efficiency in our operations.
  • Scope 3 (Business Travel - Land): We will reduce emissions from business travel by 25% by 2028 through the adoption of sustainable travel practices, such as increased use of virtual meetings and promoting the use of public transportation.

Long-Term Targets (2028-2040):

  • Scope 1 & 2: We will continue to progressively decrease our emissions, aiming for a 70% reduction by 2035, with the ultimate goal of eliminating all Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 2040.
  • Scope 3: We will expand our focus to other categories, such as employee commuting and upstream transportation, aiming for a 50% reduction in these emissions by 2035.

Regular monitoring and reporting will be conducted to ensure we stay on track, with adjustments made as necessary to meet our Net Zero commitment by 2040.

Carbon Reduction Initiatives

At Fuse CS Ltd, our commitment to reducing carbon emissions is central to our operations and client engagements. Our carbon reduction initiatives are designed to align with ISO 14001 and PAS 2060 standards, ensuring that our environmental management and carbon neutrality efforts are robust and effective.

  1. Cloud-Based Solutions: By utilising Microsoft Azure and other cloud computing platforms, we significantly reduce the energy and resource consumption associated with traditional IT infrastructure. These solutions are aligned with ISO 14001’s focus on minimising environmental impact and contribute to our PAS 2060 goal of demonstrating carbon neutrality.
  2. Energy-Efficient Operations: We are implementing energy-efficient practices across our operations, including low-energy lighting and optimised heating and cooling systems. These measures support ISO 14001’s requirements for resource efficiency and help reduce our overall carbon footprint.
  3. Digital Transformation Projects: Our digital transformation services promote sustainable practices by streamlining operations and reducing reliance on paper and physical resources. This aligns with PAS 2060’s emphasis on carbon footprint reduction and supports ISO 14001’s objectives of minimising waste and resource use.
  4. Employee Engagement and Training: We provide training on sustainability and efficient IT resource use, ensuring that our staff contribute to our carbon reduction goals. This initiative supports ISO 14001’s focus on environmental awareness and PAS 2060’s requirements for demonstrating commitment to carbon neutrality.
  5. Supply Chain Optimisation: We integrate sustainability into our supply chain by selecting suppliers based on their environmental practices, using sustainable materials, and reducing emissions in procurement and distribution. This effort is in line with ISO 14001’s environmental management standards and supports PAS 2060’s carbon neutrality goals.
  6. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to refining our data collection and reporting processes to enhance the accuracy of our emissions tracking. This approach aligns with ISO 14001’s focus on continuous improvement and PAS 2060’s standards for demonstrating and maintaining carbon neutrality.

These initiatives reflect our dedication to environmental responsibility and our ongoing efforts to align with ISO 14001 and PAS 2060 while making a positive impact on the planet.

Declaration and Sign Off

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.

Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting.

Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard.

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors (or equivalent management body).

Signed on behalf of Fuse CS Ltd:

Martin Chamberlain

Name: Martin Chamberlain

Position: Managing Director

Date: 1st January 2024


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